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Shawn Yue Zombie Club x BlockTempo|Limited to 66 whitelist spots, check it out here for our lucky draw

BlockTempo has reached an agreement with ZombieClub on a collab, and for our fans that follow us, the instructions below will detail how to qualify for a spot in our lottery drawing.
(前情提要:PhantaBear熱度驟減「昨創單日最低交易量」;港星余文樂預告將推 Zombie NFT


ZombieClub, a brand-new NFT project launched by well-known Hong Kong actor and singer Shawn Yue has recently become a hotly discussed topic in the NFT community. Prices start at 0.666 ETH, with 6,000 copies to be released. BlockTempo has reached an agreement with ZombieClub on a collab, and for our fans that follow us, the instructions below will detail how to qualify for a spot in our lottery drawing.

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BlockTempo is offering a chance to win one of just 66 spots in our whitelist.

Prerequisite: Fill out the activiy form
Special reminder! After completing the specified tasks below, please remember to go to the Activity Form to fill in your correct personal information in order to be eligible for the whitelist lottery.

▎Whitelist lottery time: 2022.02.11 19:00 – 2022.02.18 18:00 (UTC+8)
▎ZombieClub Official Website
▎Head to our Discord to follow the latest news and announcements

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There are three ways to obtain a spot in the Zombie Club NFT whitelist

The first method: Spread the zombie virus through the community (14 copies)

*Task description: Go to the BlockTempo page on Gleam and complete the community tracking tasks.

Reminder: Please be sure to complete each step properly. Failure to complete any part will be regarded as an automatic disqualification


The second method: The zombie whitelist is coming 🧟‍♂️ Be an IG infected! (45 draws)

Infect people with Instagram, and the dynamic zone will select 45 fans from the people who participate in the event to give NFT whitelist qualifications.

*Task description:

1. Make your Instagram account ”Public”

2. Use the official Zombieclub filter to shoot a “video and save it. Post the video to your personal IG homepage (official Zombieclub filter 👉 Click here

3. Tag your post with: @blocktemponews,

4. Add the hashtag: #zombieclub

5. Tag @two friends

6. Write your Zombie text (unlimited words/content) and post it with 🧟‍♂️ ‘‘’I just got turned. You can’t hide from the Zombie Club”

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Reminder: If you do not complete any of the above steps or fill in the information correctly, it will be regarded as a waiver of eligibility


The third type: Top 21 NFT Zombie King (7 copies)

* How to participate:

1. Exclusive for Top 21 NFT holders, only for Top 21 NFT holders at the moment of the event (if they have been resold, they will not be eligible)

2. Top 21 NFT holders please send a private message by messenger

Reminder: The whitelist is mainly based on those who have completed the registration for the lottery. If you fail to contact the BlockTempo Facebook page within the above time, it will be deemed that the holder will automatically give up the “Top 21 NFT Zombie King” lottery qualification.

▎Taiwan Influences Top 21 NFT event official website

▎Taiwan Influences Top 21 NFT Opensea Market


After completing the above tasks, please be sure to go to the activity form to fill in the information and submit it

▎Event time: 2022.02.11 19:00 – 2022.02.18 18:00 (UTC+8)
▎Whitelist winners: An announcement will be made on the BlockTempo Discord after the event
▎Please make sure that all the information is filled in correctly, if you do not complete any step or fill in the wrong information, it will be regarded as a waiver of qualifications
▎The event is in corroboration with KOL Onionman_. Three of the whitelist shares will be limited to onionmeta group friends, and onionman_ will select those whitelist winners who meet the qualifications and have compled the offical tasks.
▎Follow-up minting announcements will be based on Zombie Club official information, please pay attention.
▎The organizer reserves all rights to adjust the terms the event.

